Planning, paying great attention to product quality in all products produced,
in order to meet the demand or orders
and contribute positively to the objectives of the business.
ensuring 100% customer satisfaction by making plans.
- Timely fulfillment of orders
- Utilizing the available resources (machinery, labor, equipment, materials, etc.) in the most efficient way
- Make the most of the facilities available
- Elements of Material Requirements Planning System
- Outputs of Material Requirements Planning System
- Removal of clear needs
- Determination of needs on the basis of material, Scheduling
- Quality of the products produced
Experienced staff, owned models, from the customer using digital technology, ready to cut molds according to fabric properties Converts. Computer technology in both mold and cost stage using the samples on the production line as soon as possible to produce and deliver.
Fully automatic computerized cutting for precision and speed cutting systems are used, from mold preparation to marker making, all stages from fabric laying to cutting It is made.
Santek Moda Tekstil’in yetenekli, disiplinli makine operatörleri rekabette en önemli avantajını oluşturmaktadır. Periyodik personel eğitimleri sonucunda yüksek üretim kalitesini standart hale getirmiş örnek gösterilen öncü bir konfeksiyon tesisidir.
Erkek giyimine yönelik, bayan giyime yönelik ve çocuk giyimine yönelik her türlü tekstil ürünleri dikim işleri itina ve yüksek kalite ile yapılmaktadır.
Ironing & Package
The iron and package department, which works simultaneously with the production, makes our customers' orders for different countries ready for shipment by responding to all special labeling demands and packing them so that they can be placed on the shelves without any additional processing in the stores.